We are excited to announce the first Art Hive in Alaska. The KPenArt Hive is located on the Kenai Peninsula in Kenai, Alaska. Our first Art Hive gathering will be January 13, 2024 from 9-noon at the Kenai Art Center. All are welcome to attend. Free and open to the public. Come and make Art with us!
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Although I just created the link with this website, I did want to shout out that REcreate/REcrear's Art Hive(s) are going on now! We are 100% run by volunteers. And currently, we have two different Hives. Please check out our new website for details!
-Rachel Griffin, Outreach Volunteer
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southern Oregon,
Ashland Oregon,
rogue River Oregon,
Central Point Oregon,
Eagle Point Oregon,
Talent Oregon
For thousands of years we have gathered in circles…around fires, around bodies, around altars… because we can’t do this alone.
- Wayne Muller
We thank you for answering our invitation and sharing your Art Hives' images and intentions for 2023.
If you are curious about using Intention & Witness in your art making, please check out the Open Studio Process, (OSP) as developed by Dr. Pat B. Allen.
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#arthive #arthives #ruchedart #intentions
Qu'est-ce qui vous a motivé à démarrer cette ruche d'art ?
La forte croyance dans le pouvoir de transformation de l'art comme vecteur de changement social.
Quelle est une chose qui fonctionne très bien dans votre ruche d'art ?
Les facilitatrices sont dans la grande majorité des étudiantes en beaux arts, en éducation des arts et en psychologie (avec un intérêt vers l'art thérapie). L'échange avec d'autres étudiant.es qui participent à la ruche se fait très spontanément et permet de briser simplement la hiérarchie des savoirs.
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#spotlightonarthives #arthives #pleinsfeuxsurlesruchesdart #ruchesdart
Call for Participants
Research Study: Art Therapy for Depression, Anxiety and Isolation
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December 7, 2022
By Lawrence Belanger, Local Journalism Initiative
Art Hives are a global movement, founded in Canada, to help likeminded people start community-based studios. At an Art Hive (Ruche d’art in French), anyone can work on self-directed artistic projects, with no instruction or direction. The concept was conceived by Janis Timm-Bottos, an art therapist and associate professor at Concordia University.
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What motivated you to start this art hive?
Qu'est-ce qui vous a motivé à démarrer cette ruche d'art ?
willful thinking and comradery, interest in our community especially francophone expansion during the onset of COVID-19, the love of creating together
What is one thing that is working really well in your art hive?
Quelle est une chose qui fonctionne très bien dans votre ruche d'art ?
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What motivated you to start this art hive?
Each of us being creative at heart, we both had experienced the personal, therapeutic and community benefits of participating in Art Hives during several years. Throughout, we were always feeling inspired to bring an Art Hive to Dorval, since there were none offered in our own community. We decided to collaborate on starting a Dorval Art Hive, after meeting in Janis Timm-Bottos' "Community Arts Studio" course at Concordia,
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#arthives #ruchesdart #spotlightonarthives
Qu'est-ce qui vous a motivé à démarrer cette ruche d'art ?
Offrir un endroit dédié à les échanges créatifs pour la communauté et aussi l’approche studio ouvert, l’accueil, le partage des connaissances, la gratuité; c’est mon bénévolat!
Quelle est une chose qui fonctionne très bien dans votre ruche d'art ?
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#spotlightonarthives #arthives #ruchesdart
Creating to heal
Concordians are harnessing the power of the arts to help people cope with loss
October 24, 2022
By Ian Harrison, BComm 01, with files from Richard Burnett, BA 88
Source: Concordia University Magazine
When 176 people were killed after a passenger airliner was shot down near Tehran in January 2020, the Concordia community was devastated.
Two of the passengers — Siavash Ghafouri-Azar, MASc 19, and Sara Mamani, MASc 18 — were recent graduates who had just wed in Iran.
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#concordiaarthives #creatingtoheal
What motivated you to start this art hive?
The Living Room Community Art Studio
What is one thing that is working really well in your art hive?
We put an art supplies donation tub at our community library and we have gotten SO many donations that way! Tons of art supplies that we can use in our programming or get back out to the community!
What is one thing that is challenging?
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2022 Fall Symposium
Dear Community Member,
engAGE Living Lab Créatif (eLL) invites you to participate in our 2022 Fall symposium about transformative research practices supporting equity, diversity, and inclusion.
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J’ai eu l’occasion de faire une petite virée à la ruche d’arts de Cowansville que j’ai adoré. La facilitatrice au chandail peace&love était accueillante et m’a fait visiter l’atelier. D’une propreté hors du commun, tout était rangée, chaque chose à sa place. Cette ruche cohabite avec la bibliothèque et il y a même un labo médiatique et numérique. Les idées se boursculent dans mon esprit. C’est enfin la ruche la plus près de mon nouveau chez moi à St-Césaire, j’y reviendrais, c’est certain.
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Photo credit: Rachel Chainey
by Wendy Singer
Circles of Support respond to parents’ fears, child’s dreams
One of the most troubling questions that occupies the mind of a parent of a person with a disability is, “What will happen to my child (young or adult) when I am not here or able to care for them?” This includes, “Where will they live, who will take care of them and understand their needs the way I do?”
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Photo credit: Rachel Chainey.
The Art Hives Initiative harbours spaces for expression and connection
FRINGE ARTS FEATURES Olivia Piché — Published November 27, 2021
"Around the city and across the world, diverse spaces are used to house community art studios, some of which belong to the Art Hives Initiative.
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#arthives #ruchesdart
I met with Yafa Goawily, facilitator of the Cornwall Art Hive to learn more about it.
I recorded the conversation with the idea to help me write this blog, but the conversation was so enriching and honest
that I decided to use the video instead of writing about it.
I hope you enjoy learning about this art hive directly from Yafa as much as I did.
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For over a decade, art hives have provided Montreal art lovers with community art studios where they could mingle and hone their painting or mixed-media skills. Prepandemic, there were 40 of these grassroots organizations across the island. Each provided indoor space and materials to create art with little or no supervision and for free.
The hives are based on an understanding that people are creative beings, says the movement’s founder, Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos, art therapist and associate professor at Concordia University.
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"En configurant un espace de groupe consacré à l’art, les Ruches sont un moyen de briser l’isolement social. «Pendant la pandémie, les Ruches d’Art ont beaucoup aidé les gens à se sentir moins isolés. "
Lisez l'article complet ici
Photo: Métro Média - Lila Maitre
Lila Maitre - Métro
10 octobre 2021 à 8h00 - Mis à jour 12 octobre 2021 à 7h25
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#ruchesdart #arthives
Les participants sont satisfaits de ce qui est mis en place, chacun fait ce dont il a envie. À l’atelier, le matériel peut être prêté, c’est plus facile pour essayer, la création est libre, le lieu d’échange intergénérationnel prend vie, le concept ne demande qu’à se développer.
Lisez l'article complet ici
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Les Ruches d'Art sont fières de faire partie du Sommet Virtuel d'Art Thérapie Francophone!
En ligne, du jeudi 29 avril au lundi 3 mai 2021.
Présentation des Ruches d'Art Rachel Chainey et Q&A en direct à 15h le jeudi 29 avril
Ruche d'Art virtuelle avec Diana Vozian le lundi 3 avril à 12h30
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How culture and creativity have been supporting people in health, care and other institutions during the Covid-19 pandemic: A report from the Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance in partnership with Live Music Now, Music for Dementia, Music in Hospitals and Care, the National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance, the National Performance Advisory Group (NPAG) for Arts, Design and Heritage in Healthcare, Paintings in Hospitals and Performing Medicine, based on 47 case studies from around the UK.
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Arts and health; well-being; Culture; Care; UK; Covid-19;
TVRS: Studio Direct.
Pleins feux sur la ruche d'art de Boucherville "La Page Blanche", avec sa fondatrice, Isabelle Fortier.
Voir l'interview complète ici.
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Global News Morning Kingston.
Interview with Shannon Brown, Program Coordinator at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University
Artists of all ages and skill levels can learn and share on-line
Watch full video here
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Health Evidence Network synthesis report 67
What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review
Daisy Fancourt & Saoirse Finn, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2019
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art therapy,
Evidence Summary for Policy: The role of arts in improving health & wellbeing
Report to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, United Kingdom, April 2020
Dr Daisy Fancourt, Katey Warran & Henry Aughterson
Department of Behavioural Science & Health, University College of London
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art; wellbeing; art therapy; research
In August of 2020, facilitators from the global Art Hives Network were invited to engage in a 4-part workshop series during which we paused to reflect on the current functioning of the network and envision how to move forward towards greater impact and resiliency. Another purpose that brought this group together was to increase the network's capacity to evaluate its impact and build capacity across individual Art Hives to do the same.
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Art Hives; Evaluation; Art Hives Network: Réseau des Ruches d'Art;
"Desert Flower" by Diana Vozian.
How do we cope with feelings of isolation?
Come to a virtual Art Hive or stay connected by sharing your art with the online community.
To help us stay connected, initiatives are popping up all around the globe. From displaying little signs of hope in the form of a rainbow on our windows to singing from our balconies to virtually gathering to make art online. This goes to show that creativity and generosity put together can make the world a brighter place to be.
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#virtualarthive #popuparthive
At the Concordia Downtown Campus Art Hive we have a diverse population of participants. While some join us from outside of the university we also have many students who come in to take a break from the stressors of school life, experiment and explore art making, and join the creative community in order to break isolation and enjoy some social time. Students come in and often express their struggle to find balance admidst all of the pressure and responsibility they feel while studying.
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by Gabriele Zambito February 4, 2020
Concordia’s Iranian community shows us how art-making can help heal past trauma
Whether it’s venting, crying or spending time with your loved ones, grief differs from person to person. Poetry, storytelling and painting are forms of art therapy healing that took place on Jan. 16 at Concordia’s Art Hive event in efforts to heal together rather than apart.
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On Monday, February 3rd 2020, I visited the Seniors/ Intergenerational Yellow Door Art Hive at the Galeries du Parc shopping mall, in partnership wih Association Récréative Milton-Parc. This Art Hive, located in the southwest corner of the Plateau Mont-Royal Borough, also known as the McGill Ghetto, is open on Mondays from 2 to 6 pm, at 3590 Jeanne-Mance street. During my visit, I chatted with Rocio, Mariam, Linda and Amritha.
What motivated you to start this art hive?
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Yellow Door; Art Hive; Galeries du Parc; Ruches d'Art; Montréal; Seniors; Intergenerational; Association Récréative Milton-Parc;
Concordia's engAGE lab is a new space for study and engagement with seniors
Published Sunday, January 19, 2020 2:35PM EST
Andrew Brennan: Assignment Editor / Videojournalist; Daniel J. Rowe: Digital reporter
Watch video excerpt from CTV News here
MONTREAL -- Concordia University is giving seniors another reason to go to the Cavendish Mall by setting up a space to help combat social isolation, while getting creative and active.
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engAGE Living Lab; Côte Saint-Luc; Living Lab; Aging; Art Hives; Media Spa; FRQ; Montréal; Québec;
We ended the year on CBC Montreal Radio One's Let's Go,
hoping to inspire Montrealers to get creative this new year!
Listen in to the interview here:
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#CBCRadio1 #arthives
Continued support from the Rossy Foundation deepens the university’s connection to community-based therapeutic art studios.
September 17, 2019
By Andy Murdoch
Concordia launched its first art hive on the Sir George Williams Campus in 2018.
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How do Art Hives matter?
Participant testimonies from the 2019 Art Hives Symposium at Concordia University
Comment les Ruches d'Art font-elles une différence?
Témoignage des participant.es du Symposium 2019 des Ruches d'Art à l'Université Concordia.
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Art Hives; Ruches d'Art; Art Hives Network; Concordia University
Part art therapy, part 'community psychology,' and lots of fun at new art centre
CBC News · Posted: Mar 09, 2019 3:07 PM NT
By: Katie Breen.
It's cheery and welcoming, but this is not your usual public house.
The Hearthstone Art Hive, once a project for newcomers based in a high school, now has a permanent home on Bannerman Street in the Cochrane Centre in St. John's.
'Art hive' project fosters sense of belonging for immigrant, refugee teens
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By Momo
Personal reflections after the 2019 Art Hives' Symposium
“Witnessing”, “dreams”, “compassion”, “participation”, “unity-in-diversity”, “épanouissement”, “togetherness”, “healing”, “projects”, “acceptance”, “depth”, “boundaries”, “care-spaces”, “tough questions”...
On May 31st and June 1st, we came together as an art hive community. 130 visitors from all over Canada, the US, and the World. 130 artists, teachers, students, scientists, human “bee-ings”. We all came with different ideas, expectations, burning questions and concerns.
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#arthives #ruchesdart #2019arthivessymposium
By Catherine Martellini Collaboration spéciale.
Le Devoir.
18 mai 2019
Ce texte fait partie d'un cahier spécial.
Si les bibliothèques sont des lieux de diffusion de la culture, les Ruches d’art, soit des ateliers artistiques communautaires ouverts à tous, entendent devenir des lieux de création culturelle aussi répandus. L’atelier « Les Ruches d’art : inclusion sociale par les arts », donné le 6 juin prochain, souhaite démocratiser la création d’une telle initiative inclusive dans son quartier.
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ruches d'art,
Art Hives
Photo by Andrew Louis, "Atrium of the Jean-Noël Desmarais Pavilion, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts", 2010
Quebec’s Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Sets Example in Arts-Based Wellness.
The social prescribing movement involves the treatment of a wide range of ailments with therapeutic art- or hobby-based activities
By Meilan Solly
March 28, 2019
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social prescribing,
Community Art,
Art Hives,
MMFA art hive,
arts-based wellness
The Art Hives Headquarters at Concordia University is proud to announce the opening of an Art Therapist position.
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Community Art Studio: Methods and Materials
CATS631 / ARTE398
May 10th to June 6th 2019, Thursdays & Fridays 1-5 pm
Instructor: Janis Timm-Bottos
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By Momo
From April 10 to 12, the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP) hosted their 26th National Conference on Strategic Philanthropy in the city of Montreal with the theme, “Créativité, Collaboration, Connexion.” This event provides an outstanding opportunity for fundraisers and professional advisors from all around the country to learn, network, exchange experiences and keep up-to-date on all new trends, issues, and the current practices in strategic charitable gift planning.
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Art Hive,
art table
What is #stitchHIVE?
“Maggie Muth is an artist, a grandmother, sometime World traveler, community gatherer and she loves winter more than summer.”
This is the inspiring story of Maggie and the #stitchHIVE.
You can watch the video here
Follow their journey on FaceBook
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Maggie Muth,
stitch hive
Arts Health Network Canada are passionate of the arts and health just like we are.
To help them chart a path forward they need our input by completing a short survey.
As a thank you for completing their survey they are offering a $100 Amazon gift certificate to a lucky respondent.
Read their message below.
Hello fellow artshealth advocates!
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arts health network Canada
Photo: Community art project made by seniors with and without disabilities, from the Sage and Time art project of L'Arche Sudbury.
By John Guido
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By Keiko Kataoka, Sheridan Insider
March 4th, 2019
From March 1 to 4, Sheridan hosted a group of facilitators at the Art Hives Winter Institute in collaboration with Concordia University and the Toronto Art Therapy Institute. The training was coordinated by the Art Hives Network – an organization that connects small and regenerative community art studios across Canada and the world to strengthen and promote the benefits of these inclusive and welcoming spaces.
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MARCH 1-4, 2019, 9am-5pm
Are you thinking about starting an art hive in your community?
Are you working in an existing art hive and would like to improve its functioning or expand its activities? Are you looking to connect with people who share your dream? This training is just for you!
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Tina Dealwis, Digital Communications Officer at Sheridan.
Button-making and brooch-making stations greeted people as they arrived, and helped ease attendees into the Art Hive experience. “The entranceway activities were a great ice-breaker,” says Patricia Buckley, Digital Curator and Special Collections Librarian. “They made people feel comfortable before they moved on to the other activities.”
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Sheridan College,
Pop-Up Art Hives,
Community Building,
Campus Mental Health,
Creative arts therapies
Conference examined how art therapists can respond to polarization.
The 39th Annual Canadian Art Therapy Association Conference was hosted at Concordia University Concordia October 12-14 bringing together over 230 attendees. The Conference attracted participants from around Canada and from locations as diverse as Australia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Singapore, Mexico and the United States.
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Le 11 juin 2018, une journée historique pour le Réseau des Ruches d’Art
Par Nelly Daou, Consultante en Communications, Réseau des Ruches d'Art & Fondatrice de la Ruche Yéléma Photo par Andrea Cook, Vidéo par Nelly Daou
Il y a plusieurs semaines que les petites abeilles créatives que nous sommes s’affairent à préparer ce rendez-vous historique pour le Réseau des Ruches d’Art.
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art hives; hq; launch; Fondation Familiale Rossy; Réseau des Ruches d'Art; Concordia University;
Inquiry into the Civic Role of Arts Organizations: Case Study of Art Hives
By the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, July 6th 2018
"Our western society separates out art from the everyday – so we bring it back together."
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"The Art Hive movement out of the University of Concordia has spread to 100 places around the world. Open and free community art studios make the means of creative production available to low-income people. It is a tremendous social innovation that is now taking up the technological aspect and building in maker spaces and other related activities.
There’s a rich innovation zone that can be funded through experimentation and funds that allow the growth of the most promising innovations. I want to add that perspective to the ecosystem conversation."
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Social innovation; social finance fund; senate; canada; Mc Connell Family Foundation; Stephen Huddart; Art Hives
Everyone is an artist and all are welcomed with radical hospitality in Art Hives. Now, the community art studios are popping up in the St. Louis metropolitan area thanks to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and community partners.
“With SIUE/STL Art Hives, we are empowering people to come up with their own way of expressing themselves by providing materials and tying art therapy into a community model,” said SIUE art therapy counseling graduate student Theresa Hitchcock.
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art hives; illinois; edwardsville; saint louis; SIUE; University; community art;
Huit tonnes de déchets revalorisés en projets artistiques à l'université Concordia
Nadia Lemieux
Mercredi, 4 avril 2018
Depuis sa création il y a un an, un organisme de l’université Concordia a détourné plus de huit tonnes de matières destinées à être jetées pour les mettre au service de l’art.
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Public Practice Art Therapy: Enabling Spaces Across North America (La pratique publique de l’art-thérapie : des espaces habilitants partout en Amérique du Nord)
Janis Timm-Bottos, PhD, ATR-BC
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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La Presse+, par Sylvie St-Jacques
4 janvier 2018
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Art-Thérapie, l'art qui ''fait du bien''. Dossier spécial du magazine Vie des Arts incluant des entrevues avec les Art Thérapeutes Maria Riccardi (Ruche d'Art de l'AATQ), Stephen Legari (Ruche d'Art du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal) et Pierre Plante, ainsi qu'un encadré sur les Ruches d'Art.
Vie des Arts no. 248, pp.30-35
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(En français à la suite)
Episode 1- La Ruche d'Art de l'AATQ (Association des art-thérapeutes du Québec /Quebec's Art Therapists Association)
A new video episode will be released each week.
''Art Hives from Coast-to-Coast: Weaving a Collective Narrative'' is an academic research project conducted by Rachel Chainey, MA Candidate in Creative Arts Therapies at Concordia University.
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art hives; ruches d'art; research; video; narrative;
In Albuquerque, New Mexico, Janis Timm-Bottos co-created a studio space for the community with artists who were homeless. ''I have been involved over the years with developing different models for creating small and sustained spaces and communities so that people can come together across sometimes pretty big divides and have a safe space to have conversation and make art together.'' Later, working at Concordia University, she made a similar space with her students, which they eventually developed into a global network.
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Incorporating Art In The Science Curriculum
August 24, 2017 - Imaginative Education (IE): Activities & Insights, Wonder-Full Links & Resources
By Jailson Lima (Chemistry Department, Vanier College, Montreal, QC)
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Catch up with Mary Krohnert and the LivingRoom community talking about why the LivingRoom (an Art Hive in Oshawa, ON) is an important part of their lives.
Music: "On My Way" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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Art Hives LivingRoom Community Art Studio Oshawa Ontario
The St. John’s chapter of Art Hives will be hosting a series of free, community-based art pop-ups throughout the summer. The organization recently hosted their first pop-up at Rocket Bakery.
On a sweltering Monday afternoon, just after school wrapped up for the summer, Cathia Finkel spread supplies for a simple printmaking project out on a large table in the back of Rocket Bakery. An Art Hives banner was strung above the table and people trickled in, filling the seats around the table.
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Art Hives Newfoundland St. John's
By Clothilde Goujard in News, Culture | June 12th 2017
At a small cooperative in the underprivileged neighbourhood of Centre-Sud in Montreal, you can pick up a pencil, a paintbrush or knitting needles and let your imagination run free.
On this Thursday afternoon, two people from the local community are sitting at a wide table painting and sharing ideas. A man resting in an armchair watches. Others drop by to provide material or just to hang out in the vibrant, creative environment.
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mmfa; mbam; le milieu; Montreal; Ruches d'Art; Art Hives
2 juin 2017
Par Andréanne Chevalier TC Media
Quel sera le prochain projet qui permettra à Montréal d’inspirer les communautés d’ici et d’ailleurs? La réponse pourrait bien se trouver aujourd’hui au terme du Big Idea Challenge organisé dans le cadre de l’événement Next City Vanguard 2017.
Depuis mercredi, une quarantaine de jeunes de moins de 40 ans, qui ont été choisis pour participer à cet événement, effectuent des visites chez des organismes communautaires, dans des quartiers ou des lieux spécifiques, tels le marché Jean-Talon ou la Maison Notman.
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Ruches d'Art Art Hives Montréal Concordia Next City Vanguard Urban Futures
Art Hive reaches new depths as it takes over MMFA's basement
IAN MCGILLIS ianmcgillis2@gmail.com
Published on: May 6, 2017
Art Hives, a worldwide network of community spaces dedicated to art creation, now has a spot in the basement of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. "When given the right environment, people have a way of blossoming in the most amazing ways," says Janis Timm-Bottos, associate professor in creative arts therapies at Concordia University and a founder of the movement.
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Here's the buzz about the new "Art Hive" at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
CTV Montreal
Published Saturday, May 6, 2017 7:15PM EDT
It’s a place where your inner artist is welcomed— a community studio that harnesses and promotes inclusion, respect, and learning.
It’s called an art hive, and there are hundreds of them throughout Canada and across the globe. There’s no formal instruction, no admission fee, and no requirements to participate. It’s a community studio that provides people the opportunity to explore myriad creative outlets at their own leisure.
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Dr. Leah Lewis is an assistant professor at Memorial University, counseling psychologist, creative arts therapist and project lead of the Open Art Studio or Art Hive in St.John's, NL.
Art Hives are forms of community based practice, grounded is social justice and art therapy frameworks. Also known as open studios, art hives create publicly accessible spaces for people to gather, exchange, and make art.
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Are you thinking about starting an art hive in your community?
Are you working in an existing art hive and would like to improve its functioning or expand its activities? Are you looking to connect with people who share your dream? This training is just for you!
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(En français à la suite)
THE MUSEUM ART HIVE IS NOW OPEN! Every Sunday from 1 to 4 pm and every Wednesday from 3pm to 8 pm.
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Dans le cadre de la Semaine des Thérapies par les Arts organisée par l'Association des art-thérapeutes du Québec, le Réseau des Ruches d'Art a organisé un événement de réseautage pour les praticien(nes) et autres personnes et organisations intéressées à découvrir ou intégrer ce modèle d'inclusion sociale par les arts.
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Open art studio helps create community for Holy Heart ESL students
Read full article here: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/art-hive-english-second-language-students-1.4049734
When people immigrate or seek refuge in a new country, the adjustment can be overwhelming.
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Le Devoir, Montréal, 25 mars 2017
Par: Martine Letarte
Des ateliers scientifiques pour rapprocher les gens
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When a threat directed at Muslim students forced evacuations at Concordia buildings last week, Campus Wellness and Support Services responded quickly to set up support for our community. But given the gravity of the incident, Gaya Arasaratnam, director of Campus Wellness and Support Services knew that something more than a traditional mental health approach was required.
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Community Art Studio: Methods and Materials CATS631GD / ARTE398
Instructor: Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos
Course dates: June 7th-July 5th, 2017, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00-5:00
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UrbanBodies series at the ART HIVES' SCIENCE SHOP:
an exploration of what matters in our everyday lives and neighbourhoods. This series of public art making conversational labs will explore the theme of the body as it lives and dies, grows and ages, struggles and thrives in the urban environment.
All conversations are free and open to all.
Thursday, February 9th, 6-9pm
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Beyond a counseling or psychotherapy practice, the future of art therapy demands a new type of creativity, solidarity, and social inclusion. This viewpoint explores the art therapy profession and the role of educational practices to envision change in uncertain times. Art therapists have the ability to offer expertise in the serious dilemmas facing humanity. In order to do so, art therapists need to learn to tolerate the messy margins of participatory experimentation, expanding conventional ways of practicing art therapy.
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Coming to the museum is good for body, mind and soul, says enthusiastically Thomas Bastien, Director of Education and Cultural Action at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. The new Michel de la Chenelière International studio for Art Therapy and Art Education, the largest educational complex in a museum in North America, intends to prove this. Starting in January, it will house the Art Hive, a free space open to all for non-directed or semi-directed art making.
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Jewish Life 33 Temple Art Hive encourages creativity, inclusiveness
Arts Scene
by Heather Solomon
Rachel Desjourdy grew up in an art-mak- ing home and she required hearing aids at the age of three.
These disparate facts opened two av- enues of her life: co-ordinating the Art Hive/Kaveret Omanut at Temple Emanu- El-Beth Sholom and shaping it into an in- clusion initiative that brings together both abled and disabled participants.
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The afternoon of December 5th was one full of palpable creativity, connection and potential during the Art Hive Peterborough Summit at Seeds of Change Peterborough. The event, co-hosted by Peterborough Dialogues and Deb Reynolds, seeded a network of community members committed to a shared vision of an inclusive space where the arts are embraced as a form of healing, learning and skill sharing.
This slideshow offers a glimpse into the day. For more, check out our Flickr album here: https://www.flickr.com/p…/axiomnews/albums/72157677412368346 (Photos: Yvonne Hollandy)
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Discussing death in a positive way
Posted by: Dominick Lucyk in Life November 8, 2016
University of the Streets Café hosts a discussion on embracing death
Attendees and speakers discussed embracing and accepting death through rituals at the University of the Streets Café event held on Nov. 4.
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Stay tuned for MINIBIBLIOS popping up throughout our Montreal locations!
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Last June, Seanna Connell and Catherine Lamaison of Art Bridges, a national community arts organization based in Toronto, ON, visited 3 Montreal Art Hives (La Place Commune, La Ruche d'Art St-Henri and Coop Le Milieu), as part of their tour of Montreal's community arts scene.
Read more about their visits with us here:
Day 1: http://artbridges.ca/blog/fr/2016/10/highlights-of-artbridges-site-visits-in-montreal-13/
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On Monday, October 17, 2016 the LivingRoom Community Art Studio, an Art Hive in Oshawa, ON hosted Art Hives 101, a full-day workshop covering the founding principles and methods as well as the practical aspects (models and legal structures, financial, social and environmental sustainability) of starting an art hive in one's community or organization, offered by the Art Hives Network. This workshop is designed for people of all backgrounds interested in starting an Art Hive in their community and was facilitated by Rachel Chainey, Art Hives Network National Coordinator.
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Memorial University in St.John's, Newfoundland, welcomes Dr. Timm-Bottos on Saturday October 22nd, 2016 for a one-day experiential workshop, introducing the methods practiced in a community art studio, aka Art Hive, developed over a 22-year sustained research practice by Professor Timm-Bottos. She will present how the engagement in ongoing community creative arts can have a positive impact on the physical, mental and social wellbeing of participants, support the inclusion of marginalized populations and be a vehicle for dialogue and social innovation.
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On October 20th, Inuk Art Therapist and Founder of the FreeArts4All Art Hive in Cape Breton, NS, Jennifer Vivian, MA presented her research on an aboriginal model of art therapy, first published as her MA thesis in 2013 and then expanded through her practice as an art therapist within aboriginal communities as well as learning from her elders and other community members.
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“Treating” it right: a conversation about water
Posted by: Joshua De Costa
The first lab in the University of the Streets’ conversation series took place on Sept. 3
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*Les événements se tiendront en anglais mais une traduction chuchotée sera offerte*
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(En français à la suite)
Are you thinking about starting an art hive in your community?
Are you working in an existing art hive and would like to improve its functioning or expand its activities? Are you looking to connect with people who share your dream? This training is just for you!
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EARTH SPEAKS, an exhibition organized by Art Hive's Science Shop, featuring artwork created by Vanier College science students as well as citizens interested in exploring the limitless intersections between arts and sciences.
PARLONS TERRE, une exposition organisée par l'Atelier de Science de la Ruche d'Art, mettant en vedette es oeuvres créées par les étudiants en sciences du CÉGEP Vanier ainsi que des citoyen.nes intéressé.es à explorer les intersections infinies entre les arts et les sciences.
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By Yvette Salinas, of the NDG Art Hive and St-Raymond's Cheap Art Collective When an Animator with the After School program at the St. Raymond Community Center let me know the kids were asking to do another Art Project (they had helped with the Haunted Melrose Tunnel and Kay Noele’s Quilted Quartier project), Jody Negley’s St. Henri project instantly came to mind. Besides celebrating the beauty of the city, there was something about it that had plenty of potential as a group art project.
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Arts Health Network Canada's Snapshot article series features Q&As with key pioneers, innovators and emerging practitioners across the multidisciplinary and multi-dimensional arts and health field in Canada, who are part of the Arts Health Network Canada community. They have interviewed Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos, Founder and Director of the Art Hives intiative.
Read full article here:
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On Saturday, April 9th, 2016, Dr. Janis-Timm-Bottos, Art Hives founder and director, was a guest presenter at the Art Therapy Spring Symposium 2016 of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
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Par Sofiane Djemaï, Stagiaire en Développement Durable au sein du Réseaux des Ruches d’Art.
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From October 28th-30th a hundred community members and inter-sector organizations gathered at Mount Saint Vincent University and the Halifax Central Library to explore what is happening in community engaged arts in Nova Scotia, how we can connect to the international Art Hives movement, and what are the opportunities to use Art Hives in Nova Scotia to sustain and grow our communities and economy.
Read it here: http://www.arthives.org/resources/report-1st-nova-scotia-art-hives-symposium
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The Art Hives How-to-Guide is now available as a FREE downloadable PDF, in English and French!
Support the Art Hives Network by ordering your hard copy for 20$ CAD + shipping, contact: network@arthives.org.
Le Guide Pratique des Ruches d'Art est maintenant disponible GRATUITEMENT en version PDF téléchargeable, en français et en anglais!
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The Science Shop is Art Hives Network’s new initiative in collaboration with Vanier College and Concordia’s office of the VP, graduate and research department. The aim of these public science events is engage the community in public conversations about the intersection between science and creativity. Taking place in the community art studio La Ruche d’Art, a life sized cabinet of curiosities packed with art supplies, a multitude of art made by community members and a whole host of odds and ends, one may think it an odd place to be discussing molecules and mutations, among others.
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Science Shop,
Art Hive,
Vanier College,
A great article on Concordia.ca about the Art Hives' Science Shop!
Next Science Shop: Wednesday October 14th, 6-8pm, at La Ruche d'Art St-Henri
Un superbe article sur Concordia.ca à propos des Ateliers de Science des Ruches d'Art!
Prochain atelier de science: mercredi le 14 octobre de 18h à 20h, à la Ruche d'Art St-Henri
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by Hailey Tallman
This art therapy research paper is about the universal human need to belong, and my autoethnographic attempts to answer how we can find and foster belonging in Art Hives and our communities.
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The Making of Signs for La Ruche d’Art Pointe-St-Charles
By Jessica Gardner
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Quilted/Quartier is a project of community quilt-maps that artist Kay Noele working on in Art Hives around Montréal.
It started as a project with neighbours in St-Henri last summer, at La Ruche D'art St-Henri. Pieces of a paper map were replaced with fabric patches over the course of the summer months, and by the time autumn rolled in, Kay collected the pieces and sewed them together. A magical tapestry of neighbourhood, stories, and artistic exploration had formed on the wall.
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Notre Ruche d'Art Éphémère en images, pour la Journée des Thérapies par les Arts organisée par l'AATQ à l'Université Concordia, samedi le 14 mars 2015.
Vous aimeriez une Ruche d'Art Éphémère pour votre événement? Contactez-nous! network@arthives.org
Our Pop-up Art Hive in images, for AATQ's Creative Art Therapies Day at Concordia University, Saturday March 14, 2015.
Would you like a Pop-Up Art Hive for your event? Please contact us! network@arthives.org
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À la Ruche d'Art, lundi dernier, en compagnie d'une soixantaine d'autre personnes de tous horizons, j'ai participé à une conversation publique, organisée par L'Université autrement: dans les Cafés, portant sur les Ruches d'Art et les makerspaces et leur rôle dans l'innovation sociale.
J'ai récolté en vrac des fragments de conversation et d'idées qui parlent les multiples facettes de nos espaces créatifs collectifs et suggèrent des pistes pour leur continuité. Je vous partage ma récolte d'inspiration ici, j'espère qu'elle vous inspirera en retour:
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The Recent History of Art Hives from Art Hives on Vimeo.
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New York! The city of food, architecture, art, straight-talking people, non-stop walking, The High Line, jazz, Broadway, the five boroughs…And a city that takes its notions of community very seriously.
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The Expressive Therapies Summit (http://summit.expressivemedia.org/), now in its fifth year, is an impressive annual conference that brings together the various fields of creative arts and expressive therapies practice for 4 days of lectures, workshops, panels, and master classes. This year there were nearly a thousand attendees from around the world gathering to attend some 300 different events. And all of it in the heart of New York City.
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We now have 14 Art Hives on www.arthives.org. Discover a hive near you.
And if yours is missing, please add it to the growing list.
See all the beautiful Art Hives
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Queens' University ACE "Artist in the Community" BEd.
Video on La Ruche d'Art, Montreal. Video by:
Joanna Partridge
Alison Gowan
Shannon Brown
Sally H. Yeo
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Leo and I recently joined 500 other participants, mainly academics, at the 15th Annual Engagement Scholarship Consortium conference hosted by the University of Alberta at the Edmonton Shaw Conference Centre (October 6-8, 2014). We were fortunate to have a strong local team that took on the design, set-up, and facilitation of a pop-up art hive for the two-day conference.
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Engaged scholarship,
public conversations,
University of the Streets cafe,
Art Hives
At our Art Hives Symposium in June, we were all asked if there was anything we would like to share from our experience of setting up small site of community engaged art making.
I thought about what I could share after years of helping Janis start community studios (aka Art Hives) in various locations across the country. Every space requires a different set of parameters but how each space is set up has a major impact on what art is made there. For example, a carpeted space will not invite messy painting to occur or a dimly lit space will not welcome small scissor cutting.
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The Art of the Art Hive Symposium
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To Combat Weak Social Ties, a New Way to Create
An 'arts hive' with focus on therapy puts expression before instruction.
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Introductory Remarks at the Art Hives Symposium in Montreal on June 13-15, 2014
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Thanks to Kim Auclair for the beautiful photos.
Art Hives symposium photos by Kim Auclair is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Canadian practitioners converge on Concordia to learn to build an “art hive” for every community
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Take one modest storefront on a street in a working-class neighbourhood; fill it with donations of paints, fabrics and other recyclables; throw open the doors to the community to come make art. What do you get? A community art hive. Or, in French, a ruche d’art.
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La Ruche d'Art