Art Hive

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June 1, 2018

The Transition Age Youth (TAY) Academy provides safe, inclusive, youth-led drop-in resource centers in North County San Diego. TAY is dedicated to serving youth and young adults in a manner which is knowledgeable of, and sensitive to, the trauma occurring in their lives. Our Safe Place is an office within TAY who serves LGBTQIA youth. Our regular schedule holds space for art and creativity every week. We are excited to invite your youth and family to share in our warm and vibrant community.

Who are we?

The Concordia University Art Hive (Downtown Campus), facilitated by Creative Arts Therapists and students, welcomes the Concordia community and the general public for free and open art making. No experience required.

Join us for self-care, skill-sharing and community building!



The CU Art Hives will be temporarily closed starting April 27th, 2024. We regret to inform you that we do not have a definitive timeline for reopening at this point.

REcreate/REcrear is an open , community art studio, hosting Art Hives and other community events.

The CMHA-YT Art Hive Open Studio is a free community space for people to come together and make art. It is hosted by the Canadian Mental Health Association - Yukon Division, and takes place in-person in various spaces in and around Whitehorse, as well as online via Zoom. 

If you have questions about the CMHA-YT Art Hive Open Studio program or would like more information about upcoming events, please contact us!


Natural Essential Life Art Hive is a relatively new project in the Natural Essential Hives grouping. We hold occasion online art hives and seasonal outdoor pop-up art hives. The community at large is welcome to take part in a real life art experience. We coach people that have no art experience to experiment with different media and explore their expressive artistic selves. We promote re-use, reduce, recycling of materials and encourage a zero-waste philosophy.

Around the Art Table (Art hives) at CAGP 26th National Conference on Strategic Philanthropy

By Momo

From April 10 to 12, the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP) hosted their 26th National Conference on Strategic Philanthropy in the city of Montreal with the theme, “Créativité, Collaboration, Connexion.” This event provides an outstanding opportunity for fundraisers and professional advisors from all around the country to learn, network, exchange experiences and keep up-to-date on all new trends, issues, and the current practices in strategic charitable gift planning.

L’Académie des arts Trouve ta voie croit en la capacité des personnes différentes à développer leurs aptitudes artistiques et à s’épanouir à travers l’art. Elle favorise le dépassement de soi, le développement de nouveaux liens d’amitié entre les participants, le tout dans le plaisir et le respect. La mission principale de l'organisme est l’insertion sociale et la promotion des habiletés artistiques des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle, physique, un trouble du spectre de l’autisme ou un déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité.

The Science Shop is Art Hives Network’s new initiative in collaboration with Vanier College and Concordia’s office of the VP, graduate and research department. The aim of these public science events is engage the community in public conversations about the intersection between science and creativity. Taking place in the community art studio La Ruche d’Art, a life sized cabinet of curiosities packed with art supplies, a multitude of art made by community members and a whole host of odds and ends, one may think it an odd place to be discussing molecules and mutations, among others.

The LivingRoom Community Art Studio is a registered charity based in Oshawa on the traditional territories of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nation (covered under the Williams Treaty).  It is a virtual and mobile Art Hive place-making machine that provides opportunities for community members to make and share art for free in the service of promoting community development and individual well-being. We work with all ages, abilities and walks of life - including those most marginalised - to reduce the barriers that prevent individuals and families from engaging in arts informed activi

*** La Ruche d'art St-Henri closed its doors permanently in the fall of 2020 ***

La Ruche d’Art is a free community art studio and science shop – open to everyone! It is located in the St-Henri borough in the south-west of Montreal.

Its mission is to make art more accessible, strengthen links between community members and the university; and celebrate diversity, through art making, dialogue and gardening.

Since 2011, La Ruche has warmly welcomed thousands of art-makers, families, gardeners, community groups, local residents, and visitors from afar.

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