December 7, 2022
By Lawrence Belanger, Local Journalism Initiative
Art Hives are a global movement, founded in Canada, to help likeminded people start community-based studios. At an Art Hive (Ruche d’art in French), anyone can work on self-directed artistic projects, with no instruction or direction. The concept was conceived by Janis Timm-Bottos, an art therapist and associate professor at Concordia University.
Read full article here
Thank you The Sherbrooke Record for this piece on Art Hives in Sherbrooke (Eastern Townships, Quebec)!
A small local network has formed and it’s wonderful to witness the care and collaboration!
• Tremplin 16-30 de Sherbrooke
• Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke
• Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de Sherbrooke
• Foreman Art Gallery
• Centre Multi Loisirs Sherbrooke
• Centre Culturel Pierre-Gobeil