Community Art

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Waterfall Arts is a non-profit contemporary arts center located in Belfast, Maine. creating community in harmony with nature through the transformative power of the arts.

We are thrilled to offer an Art Hive in Mid-coast Maine. Our open studio sessions are for everyone! A variety of materials will be available for you to create with, including: Paints, Pastels, Collage, Fiber arts, etc. Come experience the transformative power of art in a safe and encouraging environment where all are welcome.

June 1, 2018

The Transition Age Youth (TAY) Academy provides safe, inclusive, youth-led drop-in resource centers in North County San Diego. TAY is dedicated to serving youth and young adults in a manner which is knowledgeable of, and sensitive to, the trauma occurring in their lives. Our Safe Place is an office within TAY who serves LGBTQIA youth. Our regular schedule holds space for art and creativity every week. We are excited to invite your youth and family to share in our warm and vibrant community.

Atrium of the Jean-Noël Desmarais Pavilion, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts by Andrew Louis

Photo by  Andrew Louis, "Atrium of the Jean-Noël Desmarais Pavilion, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts", 2010

Quebec’s Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Sets Example in Arts-Based Wellness.

The social prescribing movement involves the treatment of a wide range of ailments with therapeutic art- or hobby-based activities

By Meilan Solly

March 28, 2019 


L’Académie des arts Trouve ta voie croit en la capacité des personnes différentes à développer leurs aptitudes artistiques et à s’épanouir à travers l’art. Elle favorise le dépassement de soi, le développement de nouveaux liens d’amitié entre les participants, le tout dans le plaisir et le respect. La mission principale de l'organisme est l’insertion sociale et la promotion des habiletés artistiques des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle, physique, un trouble du spectre de l’autisme ou un déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité.

*** La Ruche d'art St-Henri closed its doors permanently in the fall of 2020 ***

La Ruche d’Art is a free community art studio and science shop – open to everyone! It is located in the St-Henri borough in the south-west of Montreal.

Its mission is to make art more accessible, strengthen links between community members and the university; and celebrate diversity, through art making, dialogue and gardening.

Since 2011, La Ruche has warmly welcomed thousands of art-makers, families, gardeners, community groups, local residents, and visitors from afar.

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