Policies and procedures

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Welcome to POP UP ART HIVES in 15 Easy Steps! It’s fabulous to meet you.




  • Are you thinking about starting an art hive in your community?
  • Are you working in an existing art hive and would like to improve its functioning or expand its activities?
  • Are you looking to connect with people who share your dream?

This training is just for you!

After these 3 days, you will take away:


How to add my new Art Hive to the network.

  1. Login with your user-id and password. If you don't have an account, you can create one here: https://arthives.org/user/register
  2. Once logged-in you can create your art hive here, https://arthives.org/node/add/arthive
  3. Please note that it may take a couple of days for your art hive to be published. You will receive an email once it has been approved.

Have other questions? don't hesitate to contact us!

This debrief form will be used for evaluation purposes, to understand the how big and diverse is our community, what are the main themes discussed, some highlights or challenges along the way, etc.


Last updated by Melissa Sokoloff (ELL / Concordia Art Hives). April 2022


(En français à la suite) 
The Spring 2021 Art Hives Institute: from Social Isolation to Circles of Care A 3-Part Online Training Series
Concordia University's Art Hives HQ & engAGE Creative Living Lab present:
THE SPRING 2021 ART HIVES INSTITUTE: From Social Isolation to Circles of Care-
A 3-Part Online Training Series
March 19th, 26th & April 2nd, 2021

Community Art Studio: Methods and Materials
CATS631 / ARTE398
Instructor: Janis Timm-Bottos

Course dates: Tuesdays 12-4 pm, May 11th to June 22nd 2021

3-credit course available for graduate students as well as undergraduates in their final year. 

Taught online on Zoom. 

Course Description: 

The following document provides general guidelines for facilitating an online art hive, as established by the Concordia University Art Hives HQ and engAGE Living Lab in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, in the spring of 2020. The instructions for online community art making provided here are specific for the Zoom platform, but may apply to other digital platforms. These guidelines are outlined as the current working practices to provide an ethical online art hive experience, and are subject to change as the practice continues to evolve.

As Canada commemorates the 150th anniversary of confederation, the Art Hives Network acknowledges the ongoing struggles of Indigenous people caused by colonization. We join together to examine the role of non-Indigenous Canadians in the truth and reconciliation process to help establish and restore Indigenous people's rights in Canada. We believe that non-Indigenous Canadians have a responsibility to understand the shared history of colonization and how we may be continuing to perpetuate colonial relationships in our personal and professional lives.

Par Nelly Daou, Consultante en Communications, Réseau des Ruches d'Art & Fondatrice, La Ruche d'Art Yéléma

Que se passe-t-il quand une trentaine d’abeilles se rencontre pour mettre leurs différentes saveurs de miel en commun au sein même d’une de leurs ruches ? La réponse se résumerait en un mot : synergie.

Inquiry into the Civic Role of Arts Organizations: Case Study of Art Hives

By the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, July 6th 2018

"Our western society separates out art from the everyday – so we bring it back together."

Le Guide Pratique des Ruches d'Art a été créé en réponse a un besoin exprimé par plusieurs membres de la communauté qui partagent un désir de se regrouper pour répondre de façon créative aux enjeux auxquels fait face leur milieu de vie, et se demandent par où commencer. L’information que nous avons recueillie ici ne se veut pas un livre de recettes définitif, mais nous espérons qu’en rendant disponibles nos apprentissages jusqu’à ce jour, nous pourrons vous soutenir sur votre parcours vers la création d’une Ruche d’Art au sein de votre communauté.

The Art Hives How-to-Guide was created to address a need expressed by many community members who share a desire to regroup to respond creatively to issues in their communities, and are wondering “How do we begin?” The information we have gathered here is not a definitive recipe book, but we hope that by making what we’ve learned so far, readily available in an open source format, we can help make your Art Hive journey just a little bit easier. We want to support those of you who are inspired by the Art Hives model in making it your own.

The model and practice of Art Hives have evolved through two decades of sustained practice research, continuous observation and adaptation, and experimentation with spaces and organizational structures led by Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos, who has developed and established six successful art hives in different locations across North America.

The Policies and Procedures orginally written for the Art Street in 1998. Please extract and share as you wish to support your Art Hive.

Website designed and maintained by Percolab