Cet été, le Musée d’art de Joliette se déplace partout sur le territoire lanaudois grâce aux Ruches d’art mobiles.
Rolling with the wind and waves. We share love for community art at our pop-up Art Studio. Currently in West Cork, Ireland at the cliffs of beautiful Sheep's Head peninsula we invite you during the three Saturdays in June to come out and celebrate Soulstice Time.
Bienvenue à cette ruche d'art et de création en collectif !
Cette ruche est née de mon envie d’allier l’art-thérapie, la création en collectif et la pédagogie. Chaque processus créatif ayant comme fondement la solidarité, le partage de savoirs et techniques, l’apprentissage commun et la facilité d’appréhender de nouvelles formes de communication.
A brand new community Art Hive located in The James House, in the neighbourhood of Hillhurst.
La Ruche d’Art communautaire Saint-Adolphe
Fondée en 2021 par l'artiste Kim Durocher au sein de l'OBNL Arts et culture Saint-Adolphe et soutenue par la municipalité de Saint-Adolphe d'Howard, la Ruche a depuis organisé des dizaines de rencontres créatives pour les citoyens. Que ce soit à l'Atelier culturel, en plein air dans les parcs, au chalet du Mont-Avalanche etc...
The purpose of Skátne Ionkwatehiahróntie' Community Art Hive is to deliver a free weekly Art Hive in a virtual format that focuses on building support networks, addressing pandemic stress and developing coping strategies though art within the Kahnawake community and surrounding sister communities. This Art Hive is facilitated by Art Therapist Megan Kanerahtenha:wi Whyte and co-hosted with invited guests from different sectors of the community (Indigenous elders, artists, knowledge keepers, KSCS workers etc.).
Les Rendez-vous Créatifs Nomades ont été créés durant la période de confinement de la COVID-
19 afin d’offrir un espace sécuritaire de rencontre, de création et d’échange. Les participant-e-s
des Rendez-vous Créatifs Nomades proviennent de divers pays et milieux et pratiques une
grande variété d’activités artistiques et artisanales.
Apportez vos idées, projets artistiques, de couture ou de bricolage pour créer dans la bonne
humeur avec une communauté accueillante, créative et joyeuse.
Small but mighty open creative space with options for clay, sewing, paint, natural materials and more.
This Art Hive is for members of the South West Edmonton Seniors Association. Together we create art at the Blue Quill Community League location. All are welcome and no experience is required. The facilitator is availble for ideas and support.
At heART Hives, we believe that the opportunity to be creative in a safe environment is a birthright. Imagine a space where heart, art, and creativity meet. Welcome to a safe place to experience creative exploration and joyful expression. Our mobile art hive welcomes everyone as an artist.
Calling all young adults (18–24), drop-in for art and wellness. Relax, re-charge and expand your creative powers in the Studio. Art Hive is free; materials are provided and no prior art experience is necessary. If you are looking for guidance, our art therapist/facilitator offers weekly projects and visits to our current exhibitions.
Art Hive @Agnes is made possible through the generosity of an anonymous benefactor: donors do make a difference!
Les Efèmméres
Nous sommes trois artistes de Candiac : Nathalie Hébert, Agnieszka Rajewska et Devon Reid. Ensemble, nous nous appelons Les Éfemmères. Groupe conçu comme une ode aux femmes, aux mères et l’éphémérité. Nous savons que toute chose naît, vit et meurt; que rien n’existe pour toujours.
Nous tenons à cœur nos projets et demeurons motivées par notre vision de transmettre l’art au niveau public afin d’engendrer dans vos vies plus d’intérêt vers les arts. Nous travaillons à rendre ce domaine un besoin vital.
Horaire régulier - hiver 2025, du 4 février au 27 avril
Entrée libre (places limitées)
- Centre culturel Jacques Ferron de 14h à 18h
Activités Spéciale couture de 14h à 20h - le 18 mars et le 22 avril.
- Bibliothèque Georges Dor - de 10h15 à 12h15 - Les matins calmes de la ruche d'art
- Centre culturel Jacques Ferron - de 17h à 21h - Soirée ambiance bande dessinée
- Centre Boisvert - de 18h15 à 21h
ColorfuLaura Creative Studio is located in Plymouth Michigan and owned by Laura Roush, a professional art director and artist who attended Center for Creative Studies in Detroit graduating with a BFA. The studio houses nearly every art or crafting supply you can think of: it's mission is to provide a creative space for the community to gather and also create art with supplies that are usually very cost prohibitive. The lack of a variety can hinder creativity and this space aims to combat that.
At the HIVE we believe everyone (and do we mean everyone) can be creative.
I know, I’ve heard it before, you have all kinds of intentions to be creative, but “can never find the time”.
Something else always takes precedence (like scroll mindlessly on your phone, and the fishes, and the laundry, and, and, and).
Join us in our all inclusive, free creative setting. Where you can create until your heart is content.
Collage, sketch, paint and/or art journal with us once a month and get your creative on. We supply everything you need!
Née depuis octobre 2019, dans le beau village de Notre-Dame du Laus, des hautes Laurentides au Québec notre Ruche d’art de la Lièvre prend de plus en plus d’expansion. L’intérêt des visiteurs est tel que, nous avons jusqu’à maintenant utilisé plusieurs lieux temporaires.
Nous visons à cultiver la croissance personnelle et collective, la participation active et inclusive au sein de notre communauté, ainsi que des principes de vie écologiques à travers l’art et l’échange de ressources.
Une artiste du Ste-Cath, Josée Marchand Trudel, a déménagé son atelier chez Pain et délices afin d’y proposer une ruche d’art hebdomadaire. Ainsi, ce partenariat lui permettra d’offrir tous les mardis des activités non dirigées et un atelier mensuel dirigé (une autre journée en semaine ou le samedi).
Il s'agit d'un lieu hebdomadaire ouvert et gratuit à toute personne qui souhaite exprimer sa créativité. C’est un lieu accueillant où l’inclusion, le respect et l’apprentissage font partie des valeurs du projet.
Atelier créatif communautaire. Offre aussi des cours, des ateliers et l'espace peut être loué pour des fêtes et des événements.
Creative community art open studio. Also offer craft workshops, classes, and the space can be rented for parties and events.
Le Centre d’exposition de Val-David est un organisme sans but lucratif issu de sa communauté ayant pour mission de faire connaître, apprécier et promouvoir le travail des artistes et artisans professionnels par le biais d’expositions, d’un programme éducatif dynamique et de projets spéciaux novateurs.
Depuis l'autome 2019, le Centre d'exposition abrite une Ruche d'Art, ouvrant ses portes gratuitement à la communauté pour un moment partagé de création artistique.
La Ruche d'Art a lieu chaque dernier dimanche du mois de 13h30 à 16h30.
HONA-Espace Créatif est une OBNL d’économie Sociale qui s’inscrit dans le réseau des ruches d’art. Un espace de création ouvert sur sa communauté. Avec des plages horaires d’ateliers libres et une offre d' ateliers divers. Nous désirons permettre à plus de gens possible de s’épanouir et promouvoir l’accès aux arts comme moyen d’expression inclusif et accessible à tous. Hona signifie « être »en Hindi.
The Art Dept. at Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary, is currently exploring ways of merging Artist Collectives, Artist Residencies, Makers Spaces, and a community based Art Hive. Workshops and Conferences are currently being planned for 2020, and are expected to become a regular part of the Art Dept.'s offerings. This process is being facilitated by George Lea, Art Programs Manager at Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary and the Heartwood Community Hub.
For general informatione about Heartwood Mountain Sanctuary and it's Art Dept. visit www.heartwoodhub.com
How did the idea of Art Hives form on UNB Fredericton Campus?
Art Hives emerged out of a creative collaboration and conversations among UNB Counseling Services, the Art Zone (UNB Art Centre), and the Mi’kmaq - Wolastoqey Centre through the Ntulsonawt Wellness Center. Our shared vision was to find ways of connecting students and promoting a sense of culture and belonging through art.
Laissez-vous inspirer par nos expositions!
Nous offrons une ruche d'art directement dans la galerie McClure, une fois par exposition, animée par l'artiste exposant dans la galerie. À chaque ruche d'art, nous nous inspirerons de l’exposition en cours. Venez expérimenter et partager votre créativité dans une ambiance amicale et décontractée. Tous les matériaux sont fournis, tous sont les bienvenus!
Kansas Free For Arts (KFA) is an arts-based 501(c)3 organization founded in 2014 by Hank Osterhout and Megan O'Brien. The two combined their passion and skills for the arts to provide community programming that promotes wellness through creativity. The mission of the organization is achieved through facilitation of an open arts studio, as well as various community outreach initiatives.
Ruche d'art de quartier œuvrant dans l'est du Plateau Mont-Royal et située au 4372, Papineau dans une espace partagé. Communauté engAGÉE, inclusive et bienveillante de pratique artistique et de création libre. Approche du studio ouvert. Matériaux fournis. Gratuit ou sur contribution volontaire. Bienvenue à toustes.
La Ruche Bleue est une initiative citoyenne et artistique de deux mamans soucieuses de faire rayonner les talents des habitants de Villeray.
The Ste. Rose Art Hive is located in Ste. Rose du Lac, a Manitoba town with a population of about 900 people. The hive is set up in the Arts and Culture Room at the Ste. Rose Regional Library every Thursday from 1:30-5pm. It welcomes the most participants after school from 3:30-5pm, with the majority of participants ages 10-13. The average attendance is around 15 people of all ages. The most popular activity in recent weeks has been using the blow dryer to dry art products!
La Ruche d'Art MRC Roussillon est un projet création multi-générationelle qui offrira des ateliers créatifs mobiles et ouverts à tous dans les municipalités de Candiac, Delson, Saint-Constant et Sainte-Catherine, Mercier, Saint-Rémi, Saint-Isidore et Châteauguay, à partir de l'automne 2019.
Contactez-nous si vous voulez vous impliquer ou si vous avez des matériaux d'art à donner!
Programme d'Hiver 2020 (14 Janvier - 29 Mars)
Nous nous préparons à ouvrir la première Ruche d'Art à Québec dans les locaux de Sherpa.
Venez découvrir ce que sera notre Ruche d'Art et venez nous faire part de votre intérêt à donner des idées ou à vous impliquer dans le projet.
Bienvenue à tous!
Laissez votre égo a la porte!
Zone + est un endroit de création dont le but premier est de vaincre l’isolement, la stigmatisation et autres difficultés que rencontrent les personnes vivant avec le VIH. Il se veut un endroit sécuritaire et inclusif.
Our Art Hive welcomes everyone with or without experience. We have created a friendly, open atmosphere
where students, teachers, and guests can relax, create art and connect with other like minded people.
Many of our creations reflect the projects we are doing in school such as "Orange Shirt Day" , "Remembrance Day" and "Pyjama Day" but the sky is the limit!!
Drop by, have a coffee and create!!!
Thank you- Merci - Nia:wen
Waterfall Arts is a non-profit contemporary arts center located in Belfast, Maine. creating community in harmony with nature through the transformative power of the arts.
We are thrilled to offer an Art Hive in Mid-coast Maine. Our open studio sessions are for everyone! A variety of materials will be available for you to create with, including: Paints, Pastels, Collage, Fiber arts, etc. Come experience the transformative power of art in a safe and encouraging environment where all are welcome.
A community-based Art Hive in Downtown Bloomington, Illinois with Open Hives for creating anything as well as special Mini-Classes, Classes, and private events.
Nous sommes un organisme nouvellement fondé. Nous accueillons les gens dans notre atelier pour créer tous ensemble des oeuvres :)
Nous offrons aussi des ateliers dans divers organismes ou communauté de notre région.
The Newcomer Café is a space frequented by immigrants, refugees, and locals getting together to offer support to each other. It is a volunteer ran café, where everyone's active participation is encouraged. Relationships happen organically in a space where inclusion, social justice, and activism are imperative to its existence. The Newcomer Art Hive is now part of this initiative to add creativity and alternative ways of communication and sharing into the mix!
Enjoyable, accessible community group programs relieve stress and overwhelm, promote emotional health & foster personal & spiritual growth in a vitalizing, judgement-free environment. By awakening our sense of shared humanity, art-making strengthens communities, one person at a time.
The Together! Art Club is FREE and meets on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10am-12noon at Vicarage Lane Community Centre, Govier Close, Stratford E15 4HW. The Art Club is targeted at Disabled* people and their companions, but non-disabled people are welcome as volunteers. There is no need for individuals to book; just turn up.
Courageous heARTS is a nonprofit art studio in south Minneapolis that centers youth as leaders and serves the whole community. Our mission is to illuminate youth as leaders and inspire creativity, courage, and collaboration throughout the whole community. We consider our studio a safety net for creativity and place value on the process of creating rather that the product. Visit our website for more information!
Open to all!
Access to craft space, with free materials available.
Come create and drink tea.
If you want to share a skill, an art piece, or have a group discussion about an interest you have, let us know!
accessibility: the studio space is located in the basement, with a dozen stairs.
There's the possibility to have a space on the main floor of the building, which is accessible through an access ramp.
You can let us know in advance about your needs by emailing us at cgarthive@gmail.com
ArtWorks is a free community art studio that has been in existence since 2007. The intitial studio was created in response to NIMBYism (not in my back yard-ism) in a gentrifying neighborhood in Chicago that had long been the home of numerous social service organizations. Some people new to the neighborhood were opposed to being neighbors with people who had serious mental illness, or were homeless, or had problems with substance use.
Art Hive is on occasional Saturday's from 2-4 pm, please check facebook to know more details. For Art Hive all art materials are free for use in Studio and donations are accepted. Under 18 years of age need to be accompanied by an adult at all times. Set up and clean up is required by participants and there will be an artist availabe at all times but no structured instruction will be provided.
La Ruche d’Art du CAFi
Atelier de création libre ouvert aux femmes immigrantes
Tous les mardis de 13h30 jusqu'à 15h30
La Ruche d’Art est un atelier d’art communautaire qui accueille tout le monde en tant qu’artiste. Cette espace de création vise l’inclusion, le respect et l’apprentissage. C’est un lieu accueillant pour dialoguer, créer, construire une communauté et obtenir un support émotionnel.
The Blackrock Park Art Hive is located in Blackrock, County Louth. Blackrock is a traditional seaside village on the east coast of Ireland.
JOA (Joy Of Arts) is a social entreprise that offers trainings and workshops in creative expression and promotes the therapeutic benefits of art.
JOA is committed through JOA Community to bring art to vulnerable populations in Morocco and Africa.
Au Fab Lab AST, vous avez accès à un laboratoire de fabrication numérique à la fine pointe de la technologie qui comprend des équipements tels que: une découpeuse laser (Trotec Speedy 360), 2 imprimantes 3D (Formlabs Form 2 et Ultimaker 3+), un traceur de découpe (Roland GS-24), une presse à chaud, deux CNC (une de haute précision et une autre grand format), un studio d'enregistrement ainsi qu'un banc d'électronique.
Community art studio which welcomes everyone as an artist. We work with the Arterie to provide instruction, supplies and support in all creative endeavors. There is something new every week and we love seeing everyone's unique creations. Drop in to explore colour and intention through creating in a supportive group environment. All ages welcome.
June 1, 2018
The Transition Age Youth (TAY) Academy provides safe, inclusive, youth-led drop-in resource centers in North County San Diego. TAY is dedicated to serving youth and young adults in a manner which is knowledgeable of, and sensitive to, the trauma occurring in their lives. Our Safe Place is an office within TAY who serves LGBTQIA youth. Our regular schedule holds space for art and creativity every week. We are excited to invite your youth and family to share in our warm and vibrant community.
Get Creative! Experiment with art materials to increase your health and well-being! Join us at Trafalgar’s Library to experience the transformative power of shared creativity at Sheridan’s Art Hive Initiative.
Everyone’s invited to upcycle/re-cycle arts and crafts materials, build community, and generate positive vibes that increase our sustainability buzz, too. Drop-ins are welcome. Stay for 5 minutes or the full time.
Discover our inclusive community Art Hive! We are a collective of graduates and students who met in the Master of Psychotherapy and Spirituality, Art Therapy Specialization program at St Stephen's College on the UofA campus in Edmonton. Our vision is to inspire creativity and build community. Our first art hive was held on October 7th, 2016.
During COVID-19, we are meeting virtually via Zoom. Join us from around the world!