
<?php $current = taxonomy_get_term(arg(2)); echo $current->description; ?>

Milton Art Hive

Bienvenidxs a la Colmena de Arte en Línea!

El distanciamiento social nos ha mostrado lo importante que es la conexión social en nuestro día a día.

La investigación científica, muestra que las actividades creativas ayudan a reducir la ansiedad al tiempo que promueven conexiones significativas, incluso cuando no podemos estar en la misma habitación.

Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un espacio gratuito de expresión creativa, para compartir y conectarse con otros hispanohablantes en el mundo!

¡Los esperamxs!

Facilitadora: Ana Garcia MA.AT 


*** Cette ruche d'art est actuellement inactive /  This art hive appears to be inactive at the moment ***


La terre de Marielle est un espace de création multidisciplinaire et interdisciplinaire ouvert aux populations neurodiverses et à besoins spécifiques, où il est possible de marier céramique et l'art de la fibre.

Marielle's Earth is a creative space for multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity art open to neurodiverse and special needs populations, where we can both learn the ancients arts of ceramics and fibers. 

The Concordia Art Hive (Loyola Campus)

facilitated by Creative Arts Therapists and students, welcomes the Concordia community and everyone else for free and open art making!

Join us for self-care, skill-sharing and community building!


Opening hours

The CU Art Hives will be temporarily closed starting April 27th, 2024. We regret to inform you that we do not have a definitive timeline for reopening at this point.




Dans le cadre de notre projet Artegration chez Pause Famille, nous allons avoir des ruches d'arts une fois par mois style 'pop-up' afin d'acceuillir des familles nouvellement arrivés dans leur pays d'acceuil. Nous invitons tout le monde qui aimerons venir. 


As part of our Artegration project at Pause Famille; once a month, there will be a 'pop-up' Art Hive to welcome newly arrived families. We invite everyone who would like to come.

Halcyon Haven Community Art Studio is a safe space where individuals are welcomed to engage in the arts while having the opportunity to connect with others.

Creative Music Hive (CMH) is a pilot project implemented in a Montreal YMCA Residence, a short-term residence providing support to newly arrived asylum-seekers who are in the immigration process. CMH is open twice a week for two hours each. In its initial 13 weeks, 242 children and 60 adults participated.

*** This art hive is not currently active / Cette ruche d'art n'est pas active actuellement ***


Mouvement, Créativité et Plaisir!

Venez explorer votre créativité avec nous! 

Quand: la prochaine ruche d'art est le 3 août.

Ou: à l'entrée de l'Hôtel-de-Ville de Brossard. 

"Une Ruche d'Art est un environnement sécuritaire où peuvent créer en communauté"


Movement, Creativity and Fun!
Come and explore your creativity with us.

*** Cette ruche d'art est définitivement fermée ***


Connaissez-vous la Ruche d'Art du Vieux?

*** Cette ruche d'art est actuellement inactive / This art hive is currently innactive ***

Art Hive London welcomes everyone as an artist and community collaborator. We believe we are more than just consumers on this planet and that by creating together we build a sense of belonging! 

Located in the Cornerstone Arts and Culture Center in Wynyard Saskatchewan the art nest was started as part of Art therapy student, Dana Stefanson's Major research project for her diploma program at WHEAT Institute. The Everything from the space to furniture, tools and supplies are donated and it is facilitated by Dana and a group of teen volunteers.

The aims of the studio are:

·       To offer a safe and welcoming place for creativity

·       To highlight the mental health benefits of engaging in the creative process

SIUe/STL Art Hives is the local chapter of the art-therapy led initiatives creating community art studios that welcome everyone as an artist. From an art pop-up in a local library to a community studio or gallery, at its heart, an Art Hive is about inclusion, respect and learning. It’s a welcoming place to talk, make art and build communities. Responding in creative ways to things that matter.

Who are we?

The Concordia University Art Hive (Downtown Campus), facilitated by Creative Arts Therapists and students, welcomes the Concordia community and the general public for free and open art making. No experience required.

Join us for self-care, skill-sharing and community building!



The CU Art Hives will be temporarily closed starting April 27th, 2024. We regret to inform you that we do not have a definitive timeline for reopening at this point.

Native Immigrant and Métèque have collaborated to open Native Immigrant Art Hive, a space to share our stories, create art, and love the land.

An experimental art hive has been set up in Arbat Refugee Camp ( I like the name Arc in English for our art hive! A safe place). At the moment it is only for girls and women of the community, ranging from 6 years upwards. STEP Iraq is an NGO that works in the Sulimanie region of Kurdistan with some of the most vulnerable children.  STEP has been working with Syrian children within the ARC refugee camp in a Child Friendly Space setting since 2013.  I am an art-therapist who has arrived relatively recently, and my job if that of a consultant for the staff members who are doing pyschosocial creative activities with the children and youth who come to our safe space.  As a trained art therapist, I obviously wanted to be able to practise art therapy; to use my skills to help certain children and youth express themselves through creative means, within a safe, professional and therapeutic context. This I have begun to do, but I realised very quickly that I wanted to create a safe context where I could invite bigger groups of different members of the community to participate in creative activities and to experience potential therapeutic benefits.  This is when I discovered the idea of 'art-hives'.  My hope is that this art-hive will benefit  the ARC community, in the short term, and perhaps inspire some of its members to one day open their own art-hive spaces in other parts of Iraq and be kind, be human and be the change.....


*** Please note that this art hive is permanently closed / Fermé ***

Le Centre des Arts de Dollard

La halte-accueil gratuite de la RUCHE D'ART  pour les adultes et les aînés
aux Studios d'art du Centre culturel de Dollard.

Exprimez votre créativité dans nos très populaires studios d'art communautaires.

* * *  Veuillez noter que cette cette ruche d'art est fermée depuis 2020* * *


La Ruche d'Art du G.A.L.T. est un  local collectif ouvert aux initiatives, un lieu de rencontre et de soutien de la participation citoyenne et de ses collaborateurs, rempli d'activités créatives!

La Ruche est ouverte à tout(e)s.
Les enfants de moins de 12 ans doivent être accompagnés d’un adulte ou être sous la garde d’une personne de 12 ans et plus.

*** Please note that this Art Hive is permanently closed ***

Du 4 juillet au 19 août 2016, deux animatrices visiteront des parcs publics de l'arrondissement de Pierrefonds-Roxboro avec une remorque transportant une ruche d'art





The Artworks Collective is founded on the premise that through the making of art and the building of relationships in an art collective setting, individual lives, art, and communities can be made and transformed. We believe that in this way, we become personally and socially transformed and transformative in relation to ourselves and others. 

We at the collective are especially dedicated in taking the challenges that get in the way of art making, relationship, and community building and using them in the service of personal and social transformation. 


create! in the East Village offers free, drop-in, inclusive (to East Village residents or members of the Golden Age Club) creative programming.

L'Art de partager est une activité créée par un groupe d'étudiante en psychoéducation à l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, qui ont à coeur l'entraide ainsi que le partage, dans un système de type circulaire. Les Ruches d'Arts les rejoints alors dans ces valeurs, notamment en apportant un côté créatif, qui vient tisser davantages de liens entre les participants (incluant les étudiantes-participantes).

Please note that this Art Hive is permanently closed.

Veuillez noter que cette ruche d'art est définitivement fermée.



The PSC Art School Hive was conceived as a space to explore and make art with the community, and no previous art experience was necessary.

This Art Hive began in November 2021 as part of the Pointe-Saint-Charles Art School in Batiment 7!



With deep gratitude for our lovely creative Cote St Luc community we humbly announce the closing of our storefront living lab at the Cavendish Mall. The community interactive portion of the engAGE Living Lab research project ended on Friday March 31, 2023.

The university team will continue working and sharing our findings which include your  wisdom and inspirations for scaling this special social infrastructure across Quebec over the next year.

Persian Art Hive

Persian Art Hive is a culturally sensitive community open art studio for those speaking Persian to get together, create and teach each other.

We are currently meeting weekly on zoom.


Find us on Facebook: Persian Art Hive

*** Cette ruche d'art n'est pas active actuellement ***

LaBulle a été fondée au moment de cette pandémie que nous vivons. Mon but, rendre accessible la pratique collective des arts créatifs tellement bénéfique pour notre santé mentale.
Ma conviction, c'est que l'art et la créativité peuvent rassembler toute une chaleureuse communauté intergénérationnelle, incluant les personnes qui se sentent isolées.

Co-working artistic space
*tap into your unlimited potential
*a place where rainbow warriors unite!
*comfortable, relaxing, non-toxic environment with respect towards freedom of the individual creative process
*personal space to hold your projects and belongings
*organic and vegan selection of drinks available
*yoga/workshop room
*internet access and networking resources
*monthly art show & events
*artist showcases
*independently run not-for-profit
*In support of the 5th dimension
*Artists supporting artists

'Bee Creative' is based at Project 24, Bangor, Co. Down Artist Studios-but take bookings up to 20 miles from our studio space.

We exist to address the demand for creativity for children and young people. 

S.A.Y  (stories-art. you) is a project that started in September 2013 in Malmö, Sweden. It is more than a  project, it is an initiative, a movement, will to create a positive change in the society. S.A.Y. is primarily for youngsters and young adults with experience of migration but aims to reach the society in the whole.

*** This art hive is not currently active ***

The Boys and Girls Club of LaSalle will be having their first pop up Art Hive on Monday November 23rd 2015 at the Boys and Girls Club in LaSalle.

                As a non-profit community center we have many different types of programs that target all ages. The programming in our center, which ranges from toddlers to seniors, encompasses a variety of activities across several disciplines which is the motivating factor for opening our very own Art Hive.

Mon Atelier créatif est une Coop de solidarité en démarrage à Rimouski, qui a pour mission:

Bienvenue à votre future boutique branchée de loisirs créatifs d’occasion à Dunkerque! Ateliers, groupes de soutien, et du prêt d'outils.

Welcome to your first French upcycle exchange!

La Flèche Rouge est une Librairie Indépendante et Atelier de Quartier ayant ouvert ses portes dans Hochelaga-Maisonneuve le 25 avril 2015!

New Art Hive coming up in the Parc Ex neighbourhood this summer!

***  Cette ruche d'art n'est plus active  ***

Located in a predominantly French-speaking area, Studio d'art Saint-Sulpie is located in a social housing complex in the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough. It is one of the 2 art hives started by Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos on the island of Montreal as part of her research project. This community building project partners with the Office d'habitation de Montréal (OMHM) and the Saint-Sulpice Tenant Association.

***  This art hive is not active at the moment ***


Though the team at The 296 Project doesn't offer Art Therapy directly, it is very much at the core of what we do to provide the resources to a program participant who is in need.

We believe that Art Therapy, as in any form of creative expression, can give our program participants a voice where they may not have had one before. The tenets of art therapy involve humanism, creativity, reconciling emotional conflicts, fostering self-awareness, and personal growth.

The Cooperative Study Club is a collaborative Community-University (Cape Breton Island-Cape Breton University) space for the sharing & seeking of knowledge. We welcome creative and innovative forms of discussion, collaboration, reflection and learning that can include, among other modes of communication, multi-media and art. The CSC is a place to foster local and global engagement through knowledge building.



Art Happening Bridgewater's - a buzzing hive of creativity and culture for Bridgewater, a drop in space for artists and families of all ages to socialize, meet other artists, practice and share their talents and skills; and will ripple out to other creative initiatives in the community.  The space is open to the whole community, no previous art experience is necessary. We encourage but are not limited to the exploration of visual art, music, writing, theatre, crafting of all sorts, and welcome professionals and artists-to-be.


The school in the atelier is a project born from the desire to live a creative morning, or catch a show in the  firefly theater-studio. 

Space is studied in detail to facilitate listening or the feasibility of the laboratory .

The project is open to all students in the primary, secondary and higher education, to carry out, together with their teachers, their educational projects with the pleasure of enjoying a morning workshop or performance.


Art Therapy group for Women Living with Breast Cancer. Registration required


Art Can Heal Montreal  (ACHM)

We are a collective group of oncology patients and their loved ones, creative arts therapists, arts-based researchers and artists affiliated with Cedars CanSupport/McGill University Health Centre Oncology departments. We encourage all forms of art-making, crafting, and creative arts therapies that inspire and heal following an illness diagnosis, during and following treatments, and in end-of-life care.

*** La Ruche d'art St-Henri closed its doors permanently in the fall of 2020 ***

La Ruche d’Art is a free community art studio and science shop – open to everyone! It is located in the St-Henri borough in the south-west of Montreal.

Its mission is to make art more accessible, strengthen links between community members and the university; and celebrate diversity, through art making, dialogue and gardening.

Since 2011, La Ruche has warmly welcomed thousands of art-makers, families, gardeners, community groups, local residents, and visitors from afar.

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