The Art Hive Science Shop: Breaking New Ground in Community Practice Research

Lima, J., Timm-Bottos, J.


An Art Hive is a special type of third space, located between the home and the university and between what is known and what is not known (Timm-Bottos & Reilly, 2014). This experimental space serves primarily as a free community art studio, and secondarily as a storefront university classroom, offering a “transitional space of creative investigation” (Farley & Mishra Tarc, 2014, p.50). In 2015, the Science Shop at La Ruche d’Art St Henri began offering in earnest, a venue for art and science engagement within the community. The “science shop” is based loosely on a model created in Europe (Living Knowledge, 2015) that brings scientists, artists, and other community members from diverse backgrounds together in a unique way that allows for purposeful interaction. The Science Shop serves as a safe, neutral place to engage in complex and often uncomfortable conversations. Steeped in the belief that citizens bring the missing and untapped creative capacity necessary to address social problems such as racism, social exclusion, food insecurity, and other social determinants of health (Mikkonen & Raphael, 2010), the Science Shop provides a space, materials, potential partnerships, and resources to support conversations and the co-creation of new knowledge. 

P. 139 - 149

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